The world's biggest and best Muslim marriage app. Over 8 Million members worldwide, over 400,000 successes. The research has shown that many users are looking for more ways to connect with potential partners beyond just swiping through profiles. One of the main complaints we’ve heard is that online dating can feel impersonal and lacks the intimacy of meeting someone in person. To address this, we’ve added a new feature to our app: Online Speed Dating.
Project Overview
Online Speed Dating
Our challenge is to design a safe and user-friendly video speed dating feature that fosters real connections between users while aligning with our brand values of inclusivity, diversity, and authenticity. This involves introducing a two-step process prioritizing women's safety, considering technical aspects of video streaming, and ensuring accessibility for all users. Additionally, the feature needs to be seamlessly integrated into our existing app.

Furthermore, we need to incorporate a "like or pass" feature after each video call, where users can indicate their interest in the other person. After the event ends, we will reveal who liked each user and who they matched with, so they can continue chatting and potentially form deeper connections.

- Introduce a two-step process for video calls, starting with an audio call within the first 30 seconds, followed by a video call request that requires mutual acceptance by both parties to initiate the call. This prioritizes the safety and comfort of women while maintaining a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

- Implement user-friendly features such as clear instructions, intuitive user interface, and accessible video streaming that caters to users with varying internet speed or device capabilities.

- Implement the current matching system that reveals who liked each user and who they matched with after the event ends, allowing users to continue chatting and potentially form deeper connections.

- Introduce mechanisms to prevent misuse of the video feature, such as reporting and blocking functions, and actively monitor user behavior to ensure compliance with community guidelines.
Online surveys
To gather feedback from potential users and understand their pain points and preferences in speed dating, we use the UserTesting platform. This platform allows us to recruit participants who match our target audience criteria and conduct remote usability testing, where users complete tasks and provide feedback while being recorded. By analyzing the results of these tests, we identify common pain points and gather insights on how to improve the speed dating experience. This method provides us with valuable user feedback in a controlled setting, allowing us to make informed decisions about the design and features of our speed dating functionality.
Competitor analysis
To identify common features and best practices in the speed dating industry, we conducted thorough research on our competitors' websites, apps, and marketing materials. We also analyzed user reviews and testimonials to gain insights into what works well and what could be improved in existing solutions. This approach allowed us to identify trends and patterns in the industry and understand how we can differentiate our speed dating app. By building on the strengths of existing solutions and addressing their weaknesses, we can create a product that provides a superior user experience and stands out in the market.
After conducting user and competitor research, by gathering the product design team for a brainstorming session. This session is focused on generating ideas for new features or improvements to the existing product based on the insights gained from the research.
Design Concepts
Prototype with users testing
The next step is to create mid-fidelity prototypes of the most promising features or design changes. These prototypes should be detailed enough to test the hypothesis but not overly polished, to encourage feedback from the target audience. Then, the team can conduct user testing sessions to gather feedback and insights on the prototypes. Based on the feedback, the team can refine the prototypes and make data-driven decisions about which features or design changes to include in the final product. By incorporating user testing through prototyping into the product design process, the team can ensure that the product is designed to meet the needs and preferences of the target audience.
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